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Unit Representatives

This page contains tools and instructions to help Unit Coordinators and Keyworkers perform the critical task of providing the 100 percent informed opportunity to give to all the potential contributors in your unit/office.

You are supported at the highest level in your endeavor to make the CFC-O a success. Read this letter of support and encouragement from CFC-O Honorary Chairman, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter.

Photo of Ash Carter, Secretary of Defense




This guide contains an overview of everything CFC-O Unit Representatives need to know.

Photo of 2015 CFC-O Campaign Management Guide




Each week, Keypersons will submit a Report Envelope to their Unit Coordinator. Unit Coordinators will consolidate the Reports from all Keypersons and submit one Report Envelope for the unit to the CAPO.

Here is a walkthrough/reminder of the steps in the weekly reporting process.

Photo of the cover slide of a presentation that walks CFC-O campaign representatives through the process of collecting completed pledge cards.

If you run out of weekly report envelopes, you can print this sheet and affix it to a plain envelope.
Photo of the front of a CFC-O Weekly Report Envelope


After making the personal "ask" with your potential contributors, you will still need to follow up with them. Research shows people typcially need 4-6 touchpoints before they take action. You can use these pre-written email templates while following up with the potential contributors in your unit.

Photo of the first page of the 2015 CFC-O Sample Follow-Up email templates

To end the campaign with a final "push", you might want to send an email a day. These pre-written emails contain examples of the impact CFC donations have on those in need.

Final Week Emails - long versions

Final Week Emails - short versions



The CFC-O needs your help in encouraging contributors to use one of two online pledge methods: myPay DFAS (an electronic payroll allotment) or the CFC-O eGiving system (a onetime or recurring pledge using a credit card, debit card or direct transfer from a bank account). Online pleding is safe and effective: it lowers costs and reduces processing errors. The following tutorials are designed to walk contributors through making an online pledge. These tutorials are also posted on the Contributor Materials page of this website.

Photo of the cover slide of a presentation that walks step-by-step through making a pledge via DFAS myPay     Photo of the first slide in a presentation that walks through the step-by-step process of making a pledge via the CFC-O eGiving system.